Home Featured Posts My Simple, Stress-Free Plans for Thanksgiving

My Simple, Stress-Free Plans for Thanksgiving

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I wish you a Happy Thanksgiving… and lots of homemade pumpkin pie!

Marquette, Michigan –  November, 26, 2013  –  As a single parent raising two girls, I have done my fair share of stressing over the holidays. It’s difficult to juggle multiple family dinner invites and make preparations for your own holiday meal.

With all the running we do to prepare for Thanksgiving, it can be easy to lose sight of the reason behind the holiday. Thanksgiving is a celebration of thanks and prayer, and this year, I have so much to be thankful for.

I have a great new job where I’ve made several new friends, I am proud of my oldest daughter’s independence and success (and equally happy that my youngest is still home with me), I have the love and support of a wonderful family and many friends… I really couldn’t ask for more.

My plans for Thanksgiving this year are simple: The whole family is going to gather at my house for a meal that we will prepare together. Afterwards, we’ll drink some eggnog, watch Christmas movies with the kids and just enjoy some much-needed family time.

Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!


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