Home Featured Posts The Best Gift Ever

The Best Gift Ever

Pastor Kevin Taylor invites you and your family to Silver Creek Church’s Candlelight Service

Marquette, Michigan  –  November 27, 2013  –  By Kevin Taylor, Lead Pastor at Silver Creek Church in Harvey

Christmas is all about the joy of giving and, of course, family! Do you remember the best gift you ever received at Christmas as you were growing up? Do you remember the most exciting Christmas present you ever gave someone?

One Christmas, when our oldest was 12, we wrapped a huge box and filled it with heavy encyclopedias and tons of crumpled up newspaper. At the very bottom of the box, we placed one of the accessories for his primary Christmas gift. He ripped the box open and sent newspaper flying everywhere. The encyclopedias only slowed him, but never fooled him for a moment.

When he reached the bottom of the box and found the accessory to the actual gift, he was puzzled. He said, “But I don’t have a…” when suddenly it hit him. I will never forget his look of surprise. He took that huge breath, his eyes widened and the smile on his face was priceless.

At that moment he realized what his gift was going to be. We told him where it was and he ran to get it. He jumped up and down, screaming with joy! It was such a thrill to give him such a special gift that Christmas.

I wonder if that’s how God felt when He sent his Son Jesus to earth? John 3:16 says, “For God so loved the world that He gave His only Son that whoever believes in him will not perish but have eternal life.” What a gift! If you would like to know more about this amazing gift, please accept my invitation to the Christmas Eve Candlelight Service (5:00 pm) at Silver Creek Church in Harvey. It just may be the best gift you ever receive!

Feel free to visit our website (silvercreekchurch.org) or check us out on Facebook. Merry Christmas!


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