Home Featured Posts Miners Football is LIVE On-Line at Sunny.fm & On-Air at 101.9

Miners Football is LIVE On-Line at Sunny.fm & On-Air at 101.9


Negaunee-Miners-Football2-000IshpemingNovember 7 – With LIVE broadcast games on the web at Sunny.fm and on the radio at FM 101.9, you can join the Friday Night excitement even if you can’t make it to the game!

If your family is like mine, you wind up with a Friday Night rivalry every Fall. I’m a Hematites fan, along with my brother and all of his kids. His wife and our mom, however, are Miners fans. In addition, my kids are Westwood Patriots fans. That’s three teams, in three neighboring cities — as you can imagine, it makes for a lot of good-natured bantering throughout the holidays!

After the regular season though, we all agree to set aside our rivalries and root for whichever team made the playoffs. This year, we have two teams in the playoffs, the Miners and the Hematites.

My mom and my sister-in-law are both pretty excited that the Miners advanced to the second round of the MHSAA playoffs and the rest of us are happy to support the Miners as well as they take on the Boyne City Ramblers.

We do support the Miners, but since both the Miners and the Hematites kick off tomorrow night at 7 pm, we have to choose which game to go to. Actually, most of the family will be heading to West Iron County.

It’s okay, though… We aren’t dragging Mom along to freeze at the Hematites game and she doesn’t have to travel to the Superior Dome by herself. She can stay warm and relax in the comfort of her own home with her cat and listen to the Miners game LIVE On-Line at Sunny.fm or On-Air at 101.9.  Mom says, “Go Miners!”  Do you agree?


  1. I’m the mom in the above story. When both teams play each other, Michelle and I really like it as we can’t lose no matter who wins! Tonight, we will be rooting “GO BLUE” for both teams. What a great year for both teams. U.P. POWER! It was such a convenience to listen to the game on 101.9 FM.


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